Sunday, December 13, 2009

Baltimore's Recovery After The Depression

Baltimore like most of the United States city's have recovered from the depression. In 1929 Baltimore like the other city's suffered considerable blows by the Great Depression. Before the depression happened that year Baltimore had set records in business such as new automobile sales, buildong permits, and great bank debits. It was considered to be a prosperous avenue for Baltimore. Then the Great Depression happens like others Baltimore started to decline. After 1929 Baltimore well as Maryland it self started to recover and in 1932 broke there own records. Unemployment in Baltimore city was less than it was then any other industrial community. Economically especially regarding electric power were better then ever it had been in 1932. Baltimore was recovering nicely peoples lives were getting back to what it was but better. Even gasoline usage compared to the whole country national average was at peak condition for Baltimore and Maryland. Unlike other city's Baltimore was able to recover in a way that all activities business wise or social could function properly with out panic. Even the Port of Baltimore and Maryland's farm industry was help towards this stability of this city. Maryland it self was known through out the depression for being able to have stability. Even though all the turmoil that caused by that Great Depression of 1929 Maryland and Baltimore survived. The Great Depression of 1929 might have slow things down but Baltimore push through with such strength it is a shame this city for some reason isn't known well as city's. Baltimore in all sense grew from that chaotic situation and has never looked back.

Back Ups In Case of A Emergency

As stressful the depression was especially with people needing stamps or ration cards to get foods or clothing they needed back ups. Spare stamps in order to continue in getting what they needed. Here in Baltimore they were especially use as else where aorund the country. They were individual stamps connected together. Some families get them from relatives who were in the military or stationed in Baltimore already. It was a time of toughness and these stamps weren't like they were endless supply. Baltimoreans had to use them wisely but most importantly don't forget them. If you talking about a single item being valuable these spare stamps were the ideal important commodity. It really makes you think what people here in Baltimore and around the country had to endure to survive through that unsettling situation. Those spare stamps were like money and more valuable then any htinhs else during the depression of 1929. You can only hope that time will never happen again in our life times.

Baltimore's African American Community

During the Great Depression of 1929 every city was hit hard. Baltimore was no exception especially with its African American community. Most people didn't know Baltimore was considered a southern city due to many African Americans from the south. The south was hit badly by the great depression. African Americans were out of work becoming unemployed. In many of the southern city's African Americans who were farmers or laborers tryed to survive on short rations. Baltimore was no exception but different with the city African American community to do more in suriving this depression. Especially at the time color of your skin was still a issue. A consequence of the great depression was unfortunately crime increase in alot of sections duirng that period particularly the south. Many sections of cities crime increase was with stealing of foods and clothing. Baltimore suffered through the same problem in crime increase.

At the ttime president Hoover assured or guaranteed that in 1930 employment would be better for sections through out this country. Secretary Dav is made the same reassurance business wise. Baltimore as rest of the country was anticipating that because 1930 will be when recovery starts. The African American community in Baltimore as others around through out this country during that time could only hope and wait for that assurance to really come true.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Comparisons of Past Depressions To The Great Depression

Baltimore has suffered through many hardships through out its history. Nothing more when hit by the Great Depression of 1929. Some had Baltimore in a strangle hold that people of those eras didn't think they would come back from. The Embargo Depression of 1808 unlike the Great Depression was political and effected it differently. Baltimore at that time was known for its manufactuirng skills. Unemployment became rapid in Baltimore which led to a considerable amount of lost finances. Baltimore exports dropped from 10, 016, 257 to 1, 890, 704 in 1808. Even Baltimore's commerce was hit hard that made things looked bleak. Very much what the Great Depression did. Baltimore officials had no choice but resort to a pulbic lottery in hoping of bringing things back from dispair. It did settle things a bit but Baltimore was still in a crisis. Just as Baltimore was going through the Great Depression and slowly recover from it.

In 1819 Baltimore like the rest of the country was suffering through a depression that hit economically. Baltimoreans in manufacturing industry's were losing jobs because of the manufactories had stopped. About one third of those manufactories went to one and half. Leaving six thousand workers with out work. Prices of businesses dropped to a point of catastrophic failure. Salaries were reduce to a point of twent five per cent. Even properties were affected being taxed two dollars on each own property worth a hundred dollars. That propmted Batlimore to create the economic soup society to handle things financially. Banks in Baltimore along with the rest of the country were forced to suspend all payments. Baltimore in 1819 was going through a panic economically almost broke the city. Through all that Baltimore would survive and push forward.

Years to follow such as in 1837 Baltimore went through a depression other words called "The Panic of 1837" unlike the depression of 1929 was prosperous for this city. Propserous but with its disadvantages such as riots where Baltimore was called mob town before boom town. With the help of Samuel Smith and three thousand volunteers help stopped the riots. The panic continued on May 11, 1837 with all banks in Baltimore operations of payments were suspended. With the help of currency by Baltimore and Ohio Railroad thought of denominations worth up to five cents, ten cents, and twenty five cents in bringing money circulation. By 1842 Baltimore's own credit was at a dismal down fall because of the panic of 1837. Later a period of five years came with a wind of liquidation unheard in Baltimore but didn't needed that much recovery. Baltimore much like else through its history have gotten through calmly. Even through the Ohio Railroad strike in July of 1887 where that word mob town was placed on Baltimore again. As the result of Baltimore going through these inexpilcable depressions situations when B&O Railroad shutting down become casulty's.

Each crisis or depression was different but shared other aspects that the Great Depression in 1929 had through out Baltimore city. In 1914 another depression started but adverted by goods sold to Europe because of the war. After the war ended a knife shaking depression happened and Baltimore own Banks clearances evaporated dropping to twenty five percent. Baltimore's transportation system was paralyzed with a substantial increase of suicides. Compared to the Great Great Depression of 1929 Baltimore had went through a cycle of catastrophies. Being that in 1929 was the most traumatic because of it over expanding and just crippled this city tremendously.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

One of the Valuable Artifacts To This City

During the Great Depression sugar ration stamps was widely valuable. Here in Baltimore sugar ration stamps was the only way to get sugar at that time. My father's Uncle James at the time was in the military and sent these stamps to his Mother Annie Belle Berry so, she could use them. At the time of this depression nothing was easy to get with out a certain ration or stamp. Every one in Baltimore was scrapping to just survive but most importantly provide for there families any way they could. Sugar ration stamps were so valuable to get sugar because with out that no one in Baltimore could cook certain foods. Not to leave out Baltimoreans who needed it medically keeping up there sugar intake. Those kinds of stamps were the money at that time and not every body could get one. So it made being together as a family even more important. Pulling for one another helping out no matter where you are. In a way even though the Great Depression was a terrible situation it did make the country and Baltimoreans stick together through that tough time. With out helping one another out family wise or others Baltimore might not have gotten through the Great Depression.