Sunday, December 13, 2009

Baltimore's Recovery After The Depression

Baltimore like most of the United States city's have recovered from the depression. In 1929 Baltimore like the other city's suffered considerable blows by the Great Depression. Before the depression happened that year Baltimore had set records in business such as new automobile sales, buildong permits, and great bank debits. It was considered to be a prosperous avenue for Baltimore. Then the Great Depression happens like others Baltimore started to decline. After 1929 Baltimore well as Maryland it self started to recover and in 1932 broke there own records. Unemployment in Baltimore city was less than it was then any other industrial community. Economically especially regarding electric power were better then ever it had been in 1932. Baltimore was recovering nicely peoples lives were getting back to what it was but better. Even gasoline usage compared to the whole country national average was at peak condition for Baltimore and Maryland. Unlike other city's Baltimore was able to recover in a way that all activities business wise or social could function properly with out panic. Even the Port of Baltimore and Maryland's farm industry was help towards this stability of this city. Maryland it self was known through out the depression for being able to have stability. Even though all the turmoil that caused by that Great Depression of 1929 Maryland and Baltimore survived. The Great Depression of 1929 might have slow things down but Baltimore push through with such strength it is a shame this city for some reason isn't known well as city's. Baltimore in all sense grew from that chaotic situation and has never looked back.

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